8 Ways To Stop Procrastinating On Your Financial Goals

Stop Procrastinating


Procrastination has posed to be one of the biggest thieves that steals the dream life you want, and it is a common trait in humans. Stop Procrastinating.

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, described it perfectly: “Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.”

People procrastinate for lots of different reasons, but it all leads to the same destination: Nowhere. If you discover yourself in the same financial status year after year with no progress in sight, there is probably some procrastination involved.

Below are some insights that can help you destroy procrastination and reach your financial goals in 2022.

1. Be Real With Yourself

The first step in learning how to stop procrastinating is to understand the dangers of what will happen if you don’t. Many people put things off because they think they have plenty of time.

They assume that there will always be tomorrow. And while this may be the case for most people, ask yourself this question: How many tomorrows have already passed?

If you can be sincere enough you will know that the truth is, the tomorrow you were waiting for has come and gone many times. It’s time to understand that if you keep postponing your goals, then it’s never going to happen. If you do not get started now, then a few years from now, you will look back with regrets.

2. Make a Plan

Another reason people fail to reach their financial goals is a very simple one: They have no established plan to do it. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, once said “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Think about it: Let’s say you want to make at least N1m in a month.

What happens next? Well, nothing yet, because just saying, “I am going to make N1m before this month runs out,” does not make it come true. You have to let that spur you into action to decide what you intend to do to make that money within the time frame you set.

You have a plan quite alright, but does that plan teleport you to your destination? No- unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Instead, you have to take that plan and break it down into steps like identifying the kind of services you want to render to people or the type of lucrative business you can start that has the potential to make you the exact amount in one month.

Also, outline the strategies you will need to take to actualize your goal. Then, you can put your plan to work. That way you will be clear, purposeful, and deliberate about the actions you are taking to actualize your financial goals.

3. Do Something Right Now

Now that you have your goals broken into tasks, pick one and do it, right now. Need to open a savings account? It takes five minutes online. If you need to set up automatic transfers to your investments? Stop and get it done. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now.

The best way to stop procrastinating is to bust a move and build momentum. Remember that when an object is in motion it tends to stay in motion. Get yourself moving on just one task, and let that momentum grow a life of its own.

Also, do not think too long about what your first action should be. Thinking about it for too long will end up delaying you further.

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4. Find Your Motivation

One of the effective methods of learning how to stop procrastinating is finding something that motivates you. Perhaps quotes do not inspire you. That is okay, but I am sure that something does. There is something that can propel you forward- something that makes you feel the need to do something. Something that can push you through the toughest times and the darkest days.

Whatever that thing is, find it now and put it to work for you.

5. Commit To Just One Thing For Now

Another common reason people fail to meet their goals is trying to take on multiple tasks at once. For example, most people would want to lose weight, get out of debts, get a new house and car, get a promotion, and all that.

Here is the thing: You can do anything you want to do, but it is incredibly daunting to try to do it all at once. You cannot give your all to everything.

Instead of taking on multiple tasks that will overwhelm you and leave you halfway into it, pick just one thing you can commit to- just one. Choose one goal, and then one task to help you meet that goal.

6. Pick Your Most Exciting Goal

When learning how to stop procrastinating, give yourself a fun reason not to wait. What is the most exciting financial goal you have? Vacation? New car? House? Whatever that goal is, let it be your first focus and use it to build habits.

Let’s say you want to buy a house by the middle of this year, you can start now to save and plan for it. However, saving for the house is not enough. You also need to find out how much the house is and if it’s something you can pay in instalments. That way, you’ll have a definite goal in mind.

7. Tell A Well Meaning Person Your Plans

This may be one of the most effective motivational tools I have ever known. When you tell someone that you will do something, you feel obligated to do it. This is because nobody likes to fail, so if someone expects us to reach a goal, we are more likely to do it.

These persons can be almost anyone- as long as it is not someone who lets you off the hook too easily or even makes excuses for you. You can choose to tell your kids or your spouse.. None of us want to let our loved ones down. If you tell them we are going on vacation or we are moving to a better house, you will do everything in our power to make it happen.

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8. Get a Financial Advisor

Sometimes the best thing to do is to get help. Reach out to a financial planner who can help you with your goals. They can help you formulate a plan, set up automatic payments to your account, and the advisor can send the payments to the right place. It’s a great way to meet your financial goals without having to do too much yourself.


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