How To Embody Inner Peace – ExpertsNG

9 Ways You Can Find Inner Peace


Inner peace is what we all crave, but sometimes we do not find peace with ourselves mainly because of our past actions, or the guilt that we have wrapped around our minds. But the truth is, when your inner peace is in jeopardy, your mental health will automatically be in jeopardy and when that happens, your entire being will not function as it should.

Regardless of all that you must have done in your lifetime, you need to be able to forgive yourself and you need to let go of the challenges and deeds that you may have undergone to be able to live a guiltless and healthy life.

How can you achieve this? You have only one place to start your inner peace journey from. Your mind. You need to be able to structure your mind to be very peaceful and tranquil regardless of what may come up. You need to be able to tell your mind that you are in control by not allowing anything that would jeopardize your inner peace to creep in.

Follow these tips to embrace YOUR inner peace.

1. Be A Content Fellow

The first attitude that goes against the law of Inner peace is DISCONTENT. The moment you do not value the little things you have is the moment you will never be at peace with yourself. The moment you see someone’s success and tell yourself that they don’t deserve it and that you deserve it more, is the moment your mind will start going haywire. From discontent, your mind-triggered by your emotions will breed jealousy, from jealousy you will hate the person, and then you will not want anything good to come to that person, and that is wickedness. For every wicked soul, there is no peace because you will always be on the alert to stop anything good that is coming to the person you hate and that messes up with your mind really badly.

2. Learn From Your Challenges

We face challenges everyday, and some of the challenges you face might have a firmer impact on you when compared to the regular challenges others face everyday. But the way to embracing Inner Peace, is to let yourself know that challenges are absolutely normal and that there is nothing wrong with you. You need to tell yourself that you will not allow your challenges mar you. You need to bring out a graph board literally in your mind, analyze what you may have done wrong and what you should have done to make it right. It is when you have analyzed your challenges, dissected them and portrayed your ability to handle difficult situations, that your mind will always be settled and embrace peace. Remember, challenges are something that makes us stronger, and we must learn from it.


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3. Let Go Of Your Ugly Past.

So many individuals are still traumatized by past experiences, and that has greatly affected the overall well-being of their inner peace even till this present time. To discover inner peace, it is important to let go of the things that hurt you in the past. Focus on the good things that the present time has to offer you, and flow with it.

4. Stay Away From Anything That Would Affect Your Mental Health.

Mental health is something everyone should seek for at all times, because you totally need to be mentally balanced and relaxed to function well. When you subdue yourself to something that is not promoting your mental aspirations, you are always likely to fall into depression which may cause death or dementia. So it is important to surround yourself with people/things that make you happy, things that won’t put your mental health in jeopardy.

5. Find A Relaxation Technique That Works For You.

Sometimes you may  feel melancholic, depressed, and lost within yourself. In some cases you may find it difficult to place a finger on the main cause of your sadness. Whenever you find yourself in this type of situation and you want to maintain your inner peace, just discover a relaxation technique or something that would serve as a therapy to ease your stress and pain. It can be music, swimming, baking, taking a walk, doing yoga, etc.

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6.  Forgive Yourself And Those Who Wronged You.

You need to forgive yourself of your mistakes and ignorance from your past, because if you knew as much as you know now you wouldn’t have made some terrible mistakes, and some bad decisions you took in the past. Also, you need to free your heart and forgive those who wronged you, that way you will be at peace with yourself and people around you.

7. Embrace Gratitude.

To be at peace within yourself, it is important to appreciate your little accomplishments because most of the things you have as basic in your disposal are not basic to most people. You should be grateful for the things you have, while you strive to attain greater heights.

8. Don’t Expect Too Much From People.

It’s usually difficult to get the same vibes you give to people, and if you are someone who does a lot of good to people, keep being good anyway but save your inner peace by not expecting to get back the same amount of good you do for people.

9. Meditate When You Are Stressed.

Another essential gift you can use to explore inner peace is ‘meditation’. Meditation is associated with quiet reflection. So if you must do this, find a calm environment; it could be in a quiet room, a peaceful meadow or sitting near a stream in the woods. Remove yourself from the rest of the world if you can. When you want to meditate try not to think of anything else, but inner peace {whatever that may mean to you}.

Life is a journey and having inner peace is paramount to your survival on that journey. This is because inner peace allows you to be calm in the midst of emotional struggles; it gives you the innate ability to adjust your perspectives when needed in life’s situations. There will always be obstacles and experiences that will interfere with your inner peace; amidst that, inner peace can be achieved by practising forgiveness, gratitude, and acceptance of yourself and those around you.



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