How To Make Quick Money in One Day

make money quick

One sure way to wealth is to make more money than you spend and what other way is there to make more than you spend than to make money daily?

There are ways to make quick money daily, genuinely and consistently. There is a method to making money, and such methods can be taught and learned by almost anyone who puts the right time and effort into understanding the methods.

I have used some of these methods myself, and yes, I make a lot of passive income daily, even in Nigeria. (I emphasized Nigeria because most people have the belief that most passive income ideas thrives better outside Nigeria)

This article will teach you exactly how to make quick money daily and consistently, regardless of where you reside.

Some of the listed quick-money-making avenues will require you to reside in certain countries, while the others are not dependent on location but your ability to do the work.

But, before we dive into the details, I must walk you through the four pillars of making quick money. These pillars, whn understood would make your money-making ventures easier. They are:

  1. Work on your mindset:
  2. Understand the possible types of quick money activities that you might engage in
    1. Passive Income
    2. Investment
    3. Side Hustle Ideas
  3. Be ready to invest time and money – We often skip these critical aspects of making money. There is truly nothing like 100% passive money; to make passive money, you must at some point put in the necessary work to build the product or service from which you could then make money passively.
  4. Know that people only pay you in exchange for solutions to their problems, so develop a problem-solving mentality. A customer truly wants to solve a pain point; it is your duty as a business owner to understand it and get it resolved.

Now that I have taken you through the pillars of money-making, please put on your scuba diving suit and let’s dive into this topic – NAKED!

Work on Your Mindset

Much of the things that have to do with making money has a lot to do with our mindset. At one point or the other, we’ve all found ourselves in a tight spot; we mostly feel empty when we move into that spot; what’s more, we put on the scarcity mindset. And instead of think productively, we operate in scarcity.

However, to the person who’s committed and trained in the act of making money, anything is possible. So my watchword when I get into those unpleasant spots is – “This too shall pass”, and yes, time does heal all wounds. 

When you find yourself moving into the negative thoughts zone, please do everything in your power to move out and shift into an abundance mindset. Remember this always – the solution to a recession is to have the abundance mindset and find your way through it.

Your thoughts (Mindset) are incredibly powerful – No man can go beyond his thoughts.

Understand the possible types of quick money activities that you might engage in

Oftentimes, what separates the rich from the rest is their ability to understand how to make money best. 

Earning a little money on the side doesn’t mean you have to take on a part-time job. Instead, be creative. There are literally hundreds of ways for you to make money fast without selling your soul or chaining yourself to a desk. Generally, money making activities fall within these categories – 

  • Passive Income – Passive income comprises of earnings which are derived via a rental property, limited partnership, or any other enterprise in which any individual is not involved in active participation. Usually, passive income is taxable.

    Read more on passive income.

  • Investment – An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation. Appreciation refers to an increase in the value of an asset over time. When an individual purchase a good as an investment, the intent is not to consume the good but rather to use it in the future to create wealth. An investment always concerns the outlay of some asset today—time, money, or effort—in hopes of a greater payoff in the future than what was originally put in.

Read more on investments here

Understand Side Hustle

A side hustle is any type of employment undertaken in addition to one’s full-time job. A side hustle is generally freelance or piecework in nature, providing a supplemental income. Side hustles are often things a person is passionate about, rather a day a typical day job worked in order to make ends meet.

            Click here for one of my favourite videos on side hustle

Click on each of the categories to better understand them.

So once you decide on the best money-making activities category for you, do all within your power to put in the work. Remember, nothing comes easy – there is a price to be paid for everything in life.

Below is a list of some of the money-making activities you might wish to engage in.

Good luck and have fun.

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Drive For Uber (Or Deliver For UberEats)
  3. Create An Online Course
  4. Affiliate Marketing (Or Refer-A-Friend Programs)
  5. Mystery Shopping
  6. Take Online Surveys That Pay Cash Instantly
  7. Survey Junkie
  8. Freelance Writing
  9. Sell a Physical Product
  10.  YouTube Ads
  11. Open an online sales channel


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