How to Increase your Productivity by 100% in 2022

Increase your productivity
Photo by Brett Jordan from Pexels

Happy New Year!!!

There are only a limited number of hours in each day, and I’m sure you know it won’t be different even in this new year. So, using your time wisely is crucial. Increasing your output can be achieved in two ways: working more hours or working smarter. I don’t know about you, but I prefer the latter.

By the way, make sure you read this in January 2022.

Managing your time more effectively isn’t rocket science, but it does mean taking a more deliberate approach to work. In this post, you will discover 19 simple but effective strategies that will help you increase your productivity at work.


1. Eliminate all distractions

Multiple web browsers open on the desktop, the phone, email notifications, etc., can all constitute distractions. It’s crucial to organise your life online as well as offline.

Close all tabs you don’t immediately need on your web browser. If you fear that you may not remember them when you need them later, then that’s where your note comes in. More on that later.

Also, turn off your phone notification when you have important things to do. If possible, keep your phone far from you. These little steps set you up for a productive day and, ultimately, a productive year.

2. Set a Timer

Set timers for each of your tasks based on how much time you need to complete them. This can be done in many different ways, so it is up to you. There is a Pomodoro method, in which you concentrate on a task for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break.

There are many timer-based apps available if the task you need to accomplish will take a lot longer than that. An excellent example of such apps is Clockify. It can be used by freelancers as well as entrepreneurs. However, it is a great way to set a timer for yourself. In addition to providing reports, it also functions as a sort of project manager. The best part is that it is entirely free.

3. Listen to productivity-boosting sounds

You need to be careful with your choice of music, as some sounds can become distracting. Imagine choosing a popular hit song as your background sound – you would end up leaving your task and start singing along to the music.

Instead of actual music, go for instrumentals and ambience sounds. These sounds help a great deal in keeping you focused and productive. Most of your popular music stores, including Apple Music and Spotify, have them; you only have to look. Also, productivity apps have a collection of sounds like these as well.

4. Batch Similar Tasks into a Single Batch

A batch of tasks such as writing blogs, making phone calls, sending emails, and running errands can be combined. 

It will save you time if you complete similar tasks simultaneously. You can use the app Todoist to help you keep track of all those tasks. With this tool, you can plan out your day, set reminders, and gather all of your most essential tasks in one place.

5. Prioritize your tasks ahead of time

Making a list of your most important tasks each day will ensure you complete them all. The best time to do this is just before bed the previous night.

6. Reward yourself when you finish a big task

Whenever possible, reward yourself so that you remain motivated.

Celebrating small wins and milestones is an excellent way to keep track of your progress. As a result, whenever you struggle regarding your progress, you remember how far you’ve come, which keeps you motivated to keep moving.

7. Face your most dreaded tasks first

You need to deal with whatever task you dread most first thing in the morning.

See how you can avoid procrastination in 2022.

Most people check their emails in the morning because they feel fulfilled after checking a list of emails. That, however, is only an illusion.

The bad habit of checking your email first thing in the morning is not good for your productivity. Rather than sleep on complex tasks, tackle them in the morning when you’re more energetic!

8. Step away from the computer

The Internet is one of the leading distractions. Work offline as much as possible to increase your productivity.

It has been very beneficial for me to unplug when thinking of new ideas. Start using your jotters and sticky notes more.

9. Avoid multitasking

Several studies have shown that multitasking isn’t productive. In reality, no one can multitask. We are designed to be able to do only one thing at a time, and any attempt to do otherwise will only end up slowing you down and render you less efficient in the two tasks you are trying to combine.

10. Just Start (Just do it)

The hardest part is usually starting. Usually, people wait for conditions to be perfect before starting. However, there are no ideal conditions.

Once you get started, you will quickly settle into a rhythm that can last for hours.

11. Make use of focus tools

While too much dependence on digital tools may not be too good for you, some great tools help ensure your time online is put to good use. I’m currently using one of them as I write this piece (Focus To-do). There are several others on your phone app store; all you have to do is look.

12. Go everywhere with a notebook and pen

In this way, you can record your thoughts, tasks, and ideas at any time. Your goal should be to put everything down on paper. You won’t have your subconscious mind reminding you of it all the time. 

Getting the Evernote app is another option to consider. Not only does this save you money on paper and ink, but Evernote also allows your team to share notes and ideas. In certain circumstances, this can prove helpful if you are the type who is always coming up with new ideas.

13. Know your productive hours

There is a particular time of the day when everyone is most productive. It’s morning for me.

Identify your prime time for productivity and plan your work schedule accordingly.

14. Share your personal development and productivity story

Sharing a story with the world keeps you accountable and always work towards improvement and personal growth.

You’re also more motivated to continue by writing down your small successes.

See how you can become and better writer and this is how you can craft the title of your story

15. Get enough sleep

Sleep can become a distant memory when you work online. However, it’s essential to get enough sleep to maximise your productivity.

Don’t deny yourself sleep because you want to be more productive. You need enough sleep to boost your productivity level. That said, if midnight is your most productive time of the day, by all means, work by that time. Just make sure you make up for that sleep during the day.

16. Get up before anyone else

Some may find it difficult to wake up early in the morning, but there is nothing like a quiet house!

The best time to work is usually when everyone is sleeping, and to take advantage of that time, you have to wake up before the rest of the house.

17. Outsource as much as possible

Learn to delegate or outsource work if you want to accomplish more in less time. Here are a few companies that can assist you with outsourcing:



See how you can get a new tech job this year.

18. Exercise

Studies have shown that midday exercise can boost productivity and morale at the workplace.

Make the most of your break by taking a short walk at lunch or doing some simple stretches.

19. Set some exciting goals

You will never be motivated to accomplish anything without worthy goals.

Make sure your goals are challenging and attainable. A practical goal-setting framework is SMART. For those that may not know, SMART here means

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Realistic

T – Timely

In Conclusion

You can get the best of 2022 and not make the mistakes of 2021 by simply changing how you work and being more intentional. Hopefully, this post will help you with that.

Are there other personal techniques you use in being more productive? Share in the comments.


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