Guide to Display Brand Awareness with Subtlety

display brand awareness

Are you ready to debut a new business? One of the things that you must get right is your ability to display brand awareness effectively.

This is your chance to make the most of a golden branding moment. It will be up to you to do everything you can to give your business the best possible launch. The best way to do so will be to brand it right from the start.

To do so, you’re going to need to know how to show a bit of subtlety as well as fine style at your effort at building your brand.


Don’t Be Stingy with the Freebie Items

The first thing you will need to be okay with is handing out a few loss leaders to start. This is one area where you need to be careful with your budget. At the same time, you also need to be generous. Items such as free custom laptop cases are cost-cutting items that you can easily hand out with a few thousand orders as a thank you.

You can also give out free promo items during holidays or special company events. If you’re having your first anniversary, throw out a few specially branded celebratory items. Doing so is a great way to get your message out there to an appreciative crowd.

People love getting something for free, and they tend to remember their benefactor.

It doesn’t cost you much to order up a big grab bag of free branded towels, pens, mousepads, phone cases, and the like. You can inscribe them all with your unique brand. You can then give them out as extras to your customers. They can keep them or share them with family members and friends, thus giving you invaluable free publicity one of the best subtle ways to display brand awareness.

Start-Up Some Relationships with Online Influencers

Brand awareness comes about in large part through being recognized by as many people as possible. This is an action that needs to take place within a relatively short period. Your best bet to boost your recognition is to ramp up your exposure. The most fitting place for you to do this will naturally be on various social media channels.

One way to shortcut the process of building a recognizable brand will be to pick a few convenient influencers to partner with. You can choose someone whose main speciality is the exact type of goods and services that your business offers. You can send them a few samples and see how well they respond to the quality of your merch.

A partnership with an influencer is a subtle way to get your message out there. They don’t need to shill your products to the skies. All they need to do is give them a casual mention here and there. The result of a cumulative low-key product placement campaign can have results that equal or surpass a concentrated ad barrage.

Get Customers on Board with a Referral Program

A referral program can be yet another great tactic that will get the word out about your business. People who buy from you will be more than happy to help spread the word about your company once they find out they will be rewarded. Bringing in a few new customers will help your business. In return, you can gladly dole out a few freebies.

As soon as you manage to get a few loyal customers, you can clue them in about your new program. There are plenty of benefits that you can provide them with in return for a good word.

The key to success in this area is making it worthwhile for all sides to participate. Make sure to give your referrer something of real value in return for providing you with a new customer. This way, everyone wins. It’s an experience they will want to repeat as often as they can manage.

It’s Time to Get the Word Out

There is no time like the present to get started on letting people know about your new business. This is the time when you need to be doing all that you can to fix your brand solidly in the minds of the public. In addition to your usual online marketing tactics, you can also employ subtler ones. This is a mix that can equal fast success.

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Olufemi Akinyemi
Olufemi is a certified management consultant. An experienced management strategist, highly result oriented with excellent analytical, communication, creativity, and problem solving skills. He has extensive experience advising clients in both private and public sector on strategies, business structure design, capabilities and resources required to effectively build and manage teams to drive organisational success and achieve set goals. Olufemi is highly trained in organisational behaviours, board room management strategies, etc. His emotional intelligence is impeccable. He is a product of the Harvard business school, Boston, USA, and a fellow of the institute of management consultants.


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