Essential financial tips to energize you in your financial journey

Essential financial motivation
Essential financial motivation

Keeping up with your financial journey can be challenging at times. It seems so invisible that you begin to think all odds are against you. You see no point in moving forward, and quitting seems to be your only option. But then, the repercussion that comes with it makes you feel like a target of mockery that, you can’t seem to shake off the feeling of being judged.

Here is the juncture you know you can’t quit, but find a means to set your financial journey all over and navigate through.

If all of these seem similar to your situation in any way, please relieve yourself of the burden and permit me to put it across to tell you are not the only one stuck in this financial journey path. And more importantly, I have some powerful tips that can energize you in your financial journey and keep your head up till you get that amazing result you desire.


Powerful Tips to Stay Motivated in Your Financial Journey

Redefine your goal

Getting on the loose in your financial journey is often because the picture you had at heart when defining the goal is either starting to fade or change. Just like a hardcopy photograph, when the image is becoming too blurred. Your best bet here is either to get someone to help you clean it up or reprint the original image. Either way, you will need a newer and cleaner version of the image. The same concept can be applied in the case of you getting stranded in your financial journey.

Pick up the diary or journal where you draft out your initial financial plan and study it all over.

Does it still make total sense to you, or are some points obsolete? Do you see any need to make any addition or subtraction, or is it still perfect the way it is? Are they flaws that you need to correct before you can achieve this goal? Whatever your answer is, open a new fresh sheet and redraw the goal. 

Break Big Goals into Small Wins

Generally, we all have this feeling of ecstasy when setting our yearly financial goals. We set them so grand that we are certain we can accomplish anything, even at a flick of the finger. However, after the struggles and challenges that come with the commencement phase, we begin to doubt our abilities. Why? Because the goals are too big that they start overwhelming us.

This does not in any way mean that financial goal is not attainable or we are incapable of them. In fact, we are more than able. It only means we need to be at ease with ourselves and breakdown down the goals into different phases.

For example, suppose you want to end the year with a particular amount of money in your bank account or investment portfolio. You can start simple online businesses that need low capital. From there, create a monthly saving plan that will help you to save for this goal on a monthly basis. Celebrate yourself when you attain this monthly goal, and you will be surprised you will be more energized every new month in bringing your financial goal into fulfillment.

Also Read: Entrepreneur Burnout, 7 Practical Ways to Avoid It

Create a vision board

You might need more than cutting your goals into smaller wins, as you might be at the risk of diversifying into something different. This is often because of the lack of commitment to keep up with these small wins till the end of the year. While diversifying is not something totally bad, the only problem here is it means you are forgoing “Why” you create this goal in the first place. And this is why you need to create a visual board to keep reminding yourself of “What” the goal is and “why” you set it. 

Mesmerize this vision board and imagine it was coming to fulfillment while you celebrate your small wins. Put this vision board in a place you can always see it. In your office, home, wallet, or car. Anywhere you can always look at it as a reminder of why you need to accomplish your monthly or quarterly goals. Flash through why these disciplines are worth it and remind yourself it is attainable if you keep taking it step by step.

Eliminate distractions

Distractions are inevitable on your financial journey, and you need to find a way to solve them before they mess up with your financial goals. The way out is to think of strategies to eliminate these distractions when they come your way.

Distraction can be in the form of unplanned financial expenses, logical or illogical. What to do? Set a specific account that will take care of these unforeseen expenses, and always find a way to protect them from messing with your savings.

Get yourself an accountable partner

At times, the financial journey can be very tiring, and irrespective of the strategies you have put in place, the idea of giving up keeps popping up. This is so funny that even if you put it on a logical scale, relinquishing still seems to be the best option. The only thing that can help you at this juncture is your accountability partner, who reminds you why you can’t give up.

This accountable partner can be a friend, partner, neighbor, or even a social group where you all have similar goals.

Get yourself a friend of like-minded who will always remind you why this goal is worth it. And perhaps it is a group of people with a similar goal, seeing them achieving theirs will ginger you to accomplish yours too. 

Wrap it up – Reviewing your progress

After getting all aid that will keep you committed to your financial journey, you need to constantly review your progress and ensure everything is still working as planned.

Should there be any alteration that might affect the end result? Look out for a way to clear it before it becomes too gross beyond repair. Remember to celebrate your small wins and think of the possibility of increasing the target in the following month. Feel free to talk with your accountability partner or partners and seek help should you have any reason to. Reliever yourself from pressure and try and take a break anytime you feel overwhelmed. However, do not make any attempt to strike out those wonderful financial goals. And should you have the urge to relinquish, look at the colorful vision board and smile to yourself, and “I can do it.” 


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