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10 Effective Leadership Qualities you should Have

The success and growth of any company is significantly dependent on the leadership qualities of its managers.

Every individual at the top position who wants to lead his/her employee with competence, needs certain leadership qualities. Some of these qualities can be learned, while some of them are character traits – inherent in such a leader.

To develop and build on your leadership skills you ought to have a natural sense of authority and feeling comfortable in a position of leadership, which is the best way to make your employees trust you and allow you to lead. Based on research, the following describes the ten leadership qualities deemed most important, they were propounded by psychologists and recruitment consultants.


1. Inspiring and Motivating

For any leader to be successful notably, they must motivate the people around them to achieve more, go the extra mile to become better in their work.

The motivation I am talking about goes beyond simply providing verbal encouragement; it can involve offering team members who are putting in their absolute best tangible rewards for their effort through recognition, improved responsibility, and even physical rewards.

Saddling employees with better autonomy and avenue to show how productive they are at work is key to maintaining high motivation.

2. Communication

Leaders need to be very communicative. Being open when discussing critical issues, solving problems alongside your employees (teammates), or forming objectives with employees are crucial elements of good leadership. As a leader, it is your job to chair team meetings, give compelling presentations and consult effectively with clients.

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3. Positivity

In any establishment, positivity (positive energy) has the potential to provide the extra support that employees need during stress and challenging times.

Your ability to exude excellent skills in empathy and friendliness, as well as managing stress and conflict proficiently, are good examples of a positive leader.

4. Delegation

A great leader knows that delegating work to team members, rather than taking it all on themselves, is the most effective ingredient to successful projects. Knowing when to assign work effectively also shows that the leader can identify the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates.

They will use expectations, collective performance, and resources to ensure that the project is completed as a team, rather than in isolated parts.

5. Creativity

When it comes to identifying workable solutions or making the best decision, the way forward is not always a straight line. That is why it is important for a leader to be innovative, decisive, and creative when their responses are needed in critical situations.

 6. Trustworthiness

As a leader, when you position yourself in such a way that employees are uncomfortable or scared to approach you, then the trust between you and your teammates will be broken.

When employees have confidence in their leader’s integrity, it becomes beneficial for honesty and accountability in the organization. A trusted leader is usually amazingly effective.

7. Responsibility

As a leader, you must not shy away from responsibilities. You ought to carry the responsibility for both failures and successes on your shoulders. This means assuming full ownership for the actions and inactions of yourself or your team, as well as showing willingness to accept blame and find solutions when required.

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8. Time Management

A leader’s responsibility does not end in managing relationships within the workplace. It is also imperative that they look at the bigger picture when it comes to the completion of tasks, especially managing timelines and keeping to schedules. Providing realistic deadlines and communicating them clearly to the employees and understanding the need for flexibility in time of change.

9. Influence

A leader must possess the ability to influence their employees positively. For instance, encouraging an employee to ‘buy in’ to a project, go outside their comfort zone or enhance productivity. A leader should have the influence to encourage that improvement. A positive influence is an important skill that can help a leader to support their employees and encourage them to go further and do more.

10. Decisiveness – One of the must have leadership qualities

One of the most important qualities a leader should have been the ability to Understand what decision to make and when to make it at every given point in time. Being able to give answers to questions accurately and effectively ensuring that schedules are not interrupted is key to good leadership.

However, let us understand these:

-For any individual who wants to advance to the leadership position within a business or industry, some level of management skills is required in that progression, because when it comes to applying for higher-level roles, especially in most competitive industries, the criteria for recruitment will not just end at an individual’s formal training or specialist insight.

This is because leadership skills have the potential to help a candidate stand out. Recruiters will evaluate the soft skills of every candidate – and leadership is one of the most important skills to exude.

A new manager may have the capability and knowledge to demonstrate excellent work and maintain high organizational standards but may lack the leadership skills necessary to inspire and motivate others to do the same.

Leadership skills are profitable and essential to the success and developmental aspirations of the company. Leadership skills are particularly important in every industry, whether you are a doctor, engineer, mechanic, or a regular office worker.

They are the basis for effective productivity and collaboration beyond technical knowledge. Great leadership has the potential to offer massive benefits to companies in the long term.

-Leadership skills can affect everyone in the workplace. For a workplace to be toxic free, healthy, productive, and consistent, quality leadership skills from managers and team leaders are required.

A job is not merely to get the work done, in the modern workplace, it is more of working in collaboration and perfect harmony with others. – from understanding people’s different perspectives and managing conflicts, to building working relationships and a quality team.

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