NPower 2021


Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

N-Power is a scheme set up by the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari on 8 June 2016, to address the issues of youth unemployment and help increase social development. The scheme was created as a component of the National Social Investment Program, to provide a structure for large scale and relevant work skills acquisition and development and to ensure that each participant will learn and practice most of what is necessary to find or create work.

It is for unemployed youths within the ages of 15 and 35 years.

Applicants are selected and placed in several places known as the primary place of assignment (PPA). Applicants can find these PPAs by checking their Npower Deployment Status. Applicants will then be paid specific stipends monthly by the scheme.

The scheme is the administration’s novel answer to youths unemployment and creating jobs.

An August 2020 report had shown that the unemployment rate in Nigeria was 27.1% in the second quarter of 2020. In other words, about 21.7 million Nigerians are jobless.

However, with Npower, young Nigerians can acquire skills, work experience and even receive monthly stipends from the government.

If you have been looking to join Npower but have questions on the program, here is a comprehensive guide for you. You will find answers to all your Npower questions here.

What is Npower?

Npower is a program under the social investment policy dedicated to creating jobs and empowering young Nigerians.
To put it simply, Npower is set up to help unemployed youths in Nigeria acquire skill while providing some services and getting paid in the process.

The scheme was set up on 8th June 2016. Since then, it has empowered well over 200,000 young Nigerians who were deployed to some sectors in Nigeria, including education, public services and health.

Npower is also part of a strategic move to diversify the economy by preparing Nigerian youths for an economy based on knowledge.

How to apply for Npower 2020?

If you are an unemployed Nigerian youth between the age of 18 and 35, and you meet the other requirement of Npower, you can apply to join the Npower by visiting to commence application.

The recruitment process is currently on-going through the Npower Recruitment Portal. The official Npower recruitment portal for 2021is and – open to only eligible Nigerians according to the guidelines given at the portal.

What is Npower official website?

The official website of Npower where you can find virtually all the information you need about the scheme is

What are the requirements to register for Npower?

If you are considering applying for the Npower scheme on Npower portal, here are some of the requirements:

  1. You must be between the age of 18 to 35
  2. Must possess an NCE, OND, HND or Bachelor’s Degree
  3. You must express genuine interest in an Npower scheme
  4. Must pass the aptitude test
  5. Passport photographs
  6. Active email address
  7. NYSC discharge certificate (where applicable)

What is Npower application process?

There are three steps to take when applying to join the Npower program. They are as follows.

Step 1: Choose your program

There are series of options to choose from including NTeach, Ntech, Nbuild, NHealth among others. Select whichever best suits you and go on to the next step.

Step 2: Start your application

Now that you’ve chosen a program, it’s time to begin your application. All of these you will do on the Npower portal

Step 3: Wait for Selection

Your job here is done, now you wait, hoping to be selected.

When is Npower registration ending?

There is currently no ongoing Npower registration; hence we cannot tell when it will end. Just keep checking Npower official website for all Npower news so you can know when the next registration would commence and end.

Is Npower registration still on?

At the time of writing this, there is no ongoing registration for Npower. However, keep checking the official website of Npower, to know when new registration will start.

Will federal government permanent Npower volunteers?

According to a statement credited to the federal government, there are no plans to permanently absorb Npower volunteers into civil service or other government jobs.

However, discussions are still ongoing on the possibilities of state governments and private organizations providing permanent employment to Npower volunteers after completing their two years of voluntary service.

How much is Npower salary?

Npower is a voluntary service and kind of training program, so there is no salary attached. However, the government pays a stipend of N30,000 monthly to all volunteers, and some get a mobile device as well.

What are the Different Npower Categories to choose from?

1. Npower Agro

Those selected under this category would be charged with the responsibility of providing some form of advisory services to farm owners and farmers across different parts of Nigeria.

They will serve as a communication channel to pass down the knowledge gotten from the federal ministry of agriculture and rural development. Also, they will help in gathering data on Nigeria’s agricultural assets.

2. Npower Tax

These Npower volunteers that would be selected to work as Community Tax Liaison Officers in their various states of residence. This is aimed at increasing internally generated revenue from tax.

Among others, Npower Tax volunteers are responsible for customer management, responding to online enquiries and creating awareness on tax payment compliance.

3. Npower Build

This one is a certified training program for unemployed young Nigerians. The aim is to help build a team of a highly competent and skilled workforce of artisans, technicians and professional service providers.

Some of the industries Npower build focus on include construction, utilities, gas and aluminium, automotive, building services and built environment services.

4. Npower Creative

This is a unique Npower program which is aimed at further putting Nigeria’s creative industry in the global radar. This training will last for three months, after which some of the participants will get internship opportunities while others will be linked to job opportunities.

5. Npower Health

Volunteers under Npower health are to be promoted and improve preventive healthcare in their various communities to some members of the society such as children, pregnant women, individuals and families.

6. Npower Teach

If you get selected under Npower Teach, your responsibility would be to help improve the delivery of primary education in Nigeria. You would be deployed as teacher assistants in primary schools around the country.

Your job will be to work as support teachers to the teachers in those schools.

7. Npower Hardware

The end goal of this particular Npower program is to serve as a catalyst that would expand our local capacity to produce and service smartphones, tables, laptop and desktop computers.

Participants here will go through thorough training which would expose them to tools and practical processes required to make and repair smart devices.

8. Npower Software

This is to expose some young Nigerians on software development and expose them to its booming local and international market.

If you get picked under this Npower category, you will be exposed to resources to succeed as a modern-day software developer as well as foundation software development tools.

How to write Npower aptitude test?

Once you enter your BVN and it is verified, you will receive an SMS to enable you to partake in the Npower test. Once you receive the text, do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose one of the different Npower categories you want to apply for (N-health, N-teach, N-tax, N-agro etc.)
  3. To log in, provide your correct BVN and phone number.
  4. Once you log in, you will be taken to where you will only click a button to start the test.

Before starting the test, here are some crucial information you need to prepare you

  1. Npower test questions depend on the category you select. Hence, make sure you choose a category that you understand the most
  2. Npower selection process is done in phases across different parts of the country
  3. Npower assessment also covers Lateral thinking, verbal and quantitative reasoning, general knowledge, numerical analysis and other questions assessing basic understanding of English.
  4. You can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer for Npower online test
  5. You will get two chances to attempt Npower test so if you fail the first time, you get a second chance to do better.

How to check my name on Npower list?

Here are the steps to take to check your name on the Npower list after application

  1. Visit Npower official website
  2. Look for ‘Check your pre-selection status’ and click on it.
  3. Enter your name, email address, BVN or phone number in the search box
  4. If you have been pre-selected, your name will pop up below.
  5. You will get an SMS and email congratulating you on your pre-selection
  6. Now you prepare for physical verification.

How to update my Npower profile

Sometimes, errors in name or other information can affect the monthly stipends from the federal government. So most people always wonder how they can update their Npower profile.

If you will like to update some information on your Npower Nigeria profile such as names, bank account details, phone number and email address, here is a guide.

  1. Visit the Npower portal
  2. Log in with your username and password.
  3. Once you log in on your laptop or desktop computer, you will see the following options at the left-hand corner (Home, Prepare, Announcements, Account Settings, About NPVN and Get Help)
  4. Click on account settings, and these two options will pop up – Personal Information and Bank Information.
  5. Depending on the error you want to fix, click on any of the two make necessary changes and click on update when you’re done. That’s all.

Where to repair Npower devices?

Some Npower volunteers are given a tablet to aid their work. If you’re given one, and it’s faulty, here is how to fix it. Follow the instruction in the image below to fix your Npower device.

a to z of npower

How to reset my Npower password?

Resetting is not as difficult as many think. Visit the login page and click on “forgotten my password”. You’d be required to provide your email address. Enter the email address you registered with and submit.

A temporary new password would be sent to your mail so you can easily access your account.


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